The 5R Rule of Negotiation

An essential part of business or professional success is Negotiation Skills. The art of negotiating is generally a trait which you have to inculcate and nurture yourself. This trait is not inherited.

                              “Let us never negotiate out of fear

                               But let us never fear to negotiate”

                                                                           John F Kennedy

The 5 guiding rules of negotiating, which will always keep you on track and guide you through.

The 5R rules are:

Reframe. Reframing and Rephrasing is the best kept secret behind intuitive communication skills. All human beings love listening to themselves, so give them what they love! Reframe what they have said and then put your point forward. Skilful negotiation is a game of psychology and effective communication combined.

Rejection. Negotiating is a mind game. Keep your target objective in mind while being aware that initially you might have to face rejection. The art of being prepared for a hurdle will make you more resilient. A resilient person shall succeed in negotiating.

Respect. What does any human being expect from another human being? Answer is RESPECT. If this is a universal truth it stands true in the case of negotiating. A person who is able to respect the other person’s perspective, scores high on likability. A prerequisite for Negotiating.

Reassurance. While buying a car, which brand do you choose. The brand which assures of best service. Negotiating is an art where an empathetic listener, who is able to reassure that the other person is heard and understood has a higher chance of getting the deal. Negotiating is an art where we assure the other person that he has been heard and his concerns addressed, while getting what you desire.

Reinforce. Negotiating is a game of patience. The higher the level of patience, more are the chances that you will emerge the winner. The art of negotiating is all about rephrasing and reinforcing what you desire, in a manner which is acceptable to all. It is an art where every party involved should come out with the reinforced belief that he was heard and he has got what he desired. Reinforcing is determination, draped in a cloak of reassurance.

Negotiating is a form of art where you need to be as shrewd as Sherlock Holmes, as intuitive as Sigmund Freud and as humble as Mahatma Gandhi. It is a space where humility, intuition and patience get together.

“The most difficult thing in any negotiation, almost, is making sure that you strip it of the emotion and deal with the facts”

                                                                           Howard Baker.



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