When do we start communicating?

We start communicating the moment we are born. Our communication Skills are born with us into this world.

Let us look at it step by step…..

The moment the baby comes out of the womb it cries. It communicates to us

“Hey! I have come and I am fine!”

If the baby does not cry immediately, all the people around the baby starts getting worried about its well being. As a just born, the baby knows the importance of communicating to the world about its presence. What do you do as you grow up; do you continue communicating to the world about your unique existence or are you just passing each day assuming that everybody will notice?

Lesson: Publicity, self-awareness, making others aware of your presence.

The little bundle of joy now focuses on another area of importance. First was announcing its presence, second is announcing its hunger, by yet another cry. The baby is fully aware that it has to tell the world about his/her hunger. It communicates a basic and essential need. The baby is sensible enough to prioritise its own need over others.

The just born is fully aware that the matrix of any communication is prioritising your own requirements, needs and desires. Why do we get confused as adults the need to communicate the correct message with the apt intent backing it?

Lesson: Clarity in intent and conveying the same

Next the child wants attention! Again, it communicates by crying and drawing attention towards himself/herself. The point to ponder and concentrate is the precision with which the child draws attention of the world towards himself/herself.

As adults we too constantly need to communicate what we want or desire from a particular situation. The clarity in thought pattern transcends into being precise and effective articulator in communications.

Lesson: Clarity in thoughts and intent leads to precise articulation in communications.  

It is difficult to understand and comprehend that we who were all born as master communicators, somewhere lost a skill set with which we were all born. Where does this transition happen, which makes us lack in clarity in communication and makes us confused in our intent behind every conversation.

Now we all know where to look for any guidance in communication skills. Look towards a new born seek your answers, look inwards find where you lack and attempt course correction.

Communication Skills is more like breathing skills, we all know how to breathe, but conscious breathing needs to be practiced under expert guidance. Similarly, communication skills is something we are all born with, consciously fine tuning it under expert supervision may be the requirement.


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