
I know a person who is employed in a center for physiotherapy. She was married at a very early age and had 4 children – 3 daughters and a son.

Quite early in her life, her husband met with a severe accident. He lost his eyes and was quite incapable of any work. This resulted in the entire family’s responsibility falling on this lady, who was at that time a homemaker.

The challenge was that four children had to be brought up, the lady was not educated and the only source of income in the family had been decapitated.

The saving grace was that the lady came from a village that is known for its therapeutic massages. She was recruited by one physiotherapy center and worked there regularly for a small salary. Additionally, she would have to come home and take care of all household chores, as her children were still very young.

Gradually, word spread about her magic touch and she began to be employed on a session basis by pregnant women, new mothers, old people, persons recovering from paralysis, etc…

After 20 long years of toiling, day in and day out, she is today proud to have gotten 2 daughters married and well settled. Her son is educated and has a decent job. She still works and is looking forward to settling her youngest daughter comfortably.

It is amazing what adversity can bring out from people. This lady has taught me that the resilience human beings possess can overcome all challenges that life might throw their way. Nobody can claim that their life has been without any challenge. But to be a young woman with four children, a husband, a household, and herself to take care of, equipped with no advantage like sound educations or special skills, is a scary proposition. She overcame it all. Today she can proudly say that whatever she is, it is all due to hard work, saving each penny, and clinging on to hope.


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