For many people, one career and one job today isn’t an option. Most individuals hold on to jobs with so many employers and then keep shifting sectors through life. This flexibility is essential to be prepared for a change in jobs and opportunities.  At work, you will experience a lot of situations where you will be in dire need of skills. It can make a first-day impression or presenting something later. Good skills will make your relationships with others improve at work and become influential towards
others decisions. 

Working professionals may feel that they are stuck in a dead end job. This feeling may set in after a stipulated amount of time working in the same role. The key point to understand here is that most professional miss out on the most important tool of the trade, upgrading.
Any successful professional knows they all need to adopt the change that drives their industry. It’s best to have long-term goals with a development plant.
Here are a few projected non-technical skills that will be a massive addition to
professional skills by the year 2020:

1. People Management
Starting with the basics is always a good thing. You can speak to your team,
socialize with them, gain their viewpoint towards their job roles, understand their setbacks, both professionally and personally. The key to good people management is to be an active listener and show that you are to help bring your team up. 

2. Collaboration
Collaboration can be with an individual or a team. Efficient collaborators prefer to have and provide, a clear context of their ideas and the intended goal. This means that the professional should be shy away from facilitating a meeting with other departments. This helps foster trust between all the individuals involved and work towards a mutual goal. 
3. Emotional intelligence
This may seem to be easy to achieve, but to manage a team and running a project
requires performing professionals not to be emotionally driven decision makers. Gut
feelings have never been synonymous with successful business leaders. Practising and maintaining a positive attitude towards all situations help. Always look at criticism positively, be it, when delivering or receiving it. Empathy has a vital role in emotional intelligence. Every individual is different and there will be a difference in opinion, understanding, and situation.

4. Judgment and decision making
Whenever decision-making comes into play, I always try to gather as much
information as possible. This will give you time to analyse and evaluate all the
aspects and options involved to help you better decide. Most importantly, try not to burden yourself. You can always ask a tenured colleague for their inputs. And remember never to make haste in such matters. 

5. Service orientation.                                                                                        Irrespective of what industry you represent, there will be a customer involved at the receiving end. It's always best to appreciate their feedback and work on constantly improving the nature of the services you offer. There is nothing wrong with learning from the competition. If they are delivering something great and its working for them, adapt! The modern customer is a well-informed customer. Make it a point to explain certain key features that the customer may be unaware of. This not only builds rapport but also builds more business value.

6. Negotiation
When they say negotiation is an art, it is. This comes with good planning and
practice. Remember what your goal is when it comes to any negotiation. If you were to compromise, how far could you go? And most importantly, what would be the best and worst scenarios. Active listening skills are key to any good negotiations and this will help you explore possibilities to better your pitch and outcome. You must always look at a win-win outcome.

7. Cognitive flexibility
This, by far, is the most challenging skill/trait that will help you develop your brain to help multitask efficiently. This helps professionals bring out creative ways of performance delivery and adapting to change. 
One can start with changing their day-to-day routine and do everything differently. This helps in seeking out new experiences and helps increase memory as well. 

8. Problem-solving:
Everyone encounters problems daily. And everyone needs to learn to benefit from good problem-solving skills. Be it simple problems or very complex ones, if you can solve issues efficiently, your job will get very handleable with ease. However, all problems cannot be solved in the same way. And that is why you need your skills. A lot of problems are solved by first focusing on the issue more than the solutions. The solution comes later. What is important is to, search for the core problem first. If the cause of the problem can be eliminated, then the problem is solved!

9. Critical thinking: 
Developing your critical thinking power is an advantage. Developing these skills will make sure that you will make a better candidate for any job or promotion. Critical thinking is the ability to search for the problem, analyse it, look for all the facts other perspectives than to come down to a logical solution. Critical thinking is required in all streams. If you can think about what can happen, you will be ready with solutions for all issues. 

10.Business Intelligence: 
You will need your intelligence anytime at your work and in life. The whole purpose is to help business managers, executives and other workers work efficiently. Business intelligence can help companies to use the resources and cut costs, look for new opportunities and stop the wrong ones in the business. 

While handling a few questions, look at its potential benefits like: 
 Accelerating and improving decision-making
 Optimizing internal business processes
 Increasing operational efficiency
 Driving new revenues
 Gaining competitive advantages over business rivals.
 Identifying market trends
 Spotting business problems that need to be addressed


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